Looks like the snow here may finally be gone for good and I've been enjoying some beautiful sunny weather. It really puts me in the mood for creating things. After making several beautiful bouquets of tissue paper blossoms to decorate my home with, I still had a lot of tissue paper left in some very lovely Spring colors. With some brainstorming, I came up with the simple idea of the tissue pom pom garland. I'd made large tissue pom poms for parties before, but after this project, I've decided I love the little pom poms even more! They're just so cute! Plus, it was a great way to use up left over scraps of tissue paper.

As the photo tutorial shows, cut your tissue paper into rectangles with 4-6 layers of each size. Experiment with different sizes to make the most of your tissue paper; You'll end up with a variety of different pom poms which looks much more fun than when they're all the same size. Fold the layers accordion-style. Using scissors, cut the edges to add some fun shape to your pom poms. Try different cuts for different looks. Pointed, rounded, zig-zag, etc. Secure a twist tie in the center, then begin to gently unfold each layer. Once each layer is unfolded, carefully fluff and shape your pom pom. Repeat until you have a number of pom poms. Arrange them in whichever order you want them to go in, then string them onto twine, or a thin cord.

I think it looks fun and cheery draped across my front window, but the possibilities extend beyond that! These would be great for decorating parties, draped around Christmas trees, hung down a wall for a photo backdrop... Oooh! I'm so going to do that! I hope I don't go over board with this, but how can I not be excited when something is this simple and this cute?
By the way, don't be surprised if, when you are done, your craft area looks like this:
I am not neat when I'm creating, so afterwards my house was like a New Year's Eve party with confetti strewn all over! I was sweeping these pieces up for days after! If I was smart, I might have made these pom poms first and then used the
random scraps when making the
tissue paper blossoms, but oh well. Maybe
next time I'll remember.
Happy creating!